

produce dart tip,dart case at www.coohatechnology.com

produce dart tip,dart case at www.coohatechnology.com

价格: 电议 元
卖家: 陈姚

咨询: 点击这里给我发消息

电 话:0591-83339763
传 真:0591-83339763
邮 箱:cooha.en@gmail.com
地 址:福州市台江区五一中路233号五一公馆13层815

以上为produce dart tip,dart case at www.coohatechnology.com详细参数信息,produce dart tip,dart case at www.coohatechnology.com图片由酷哈科技有限公司提供,produce dart tip,dart case at www.coohatechnology.com
  • 产品特性
Cooha technology is a professional manufacturer of Custom Dart and other dart accessories. We manufacturing a complete line of Custom darts,custom dart flights,custom dartsboards ,custom dart cases ect.We are the professional manufacturer of OEM dart and sell REX products,We manufature the most appropriate product according to the customer's request.We supply the darts are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price.Our website is www.coohatechnology.com ,mail to cooha.en@gmail.com or call 86-591-83339763 to contact us.If we can help you in angway,please do not hesitate to contact us.We will at your service. Thank you and more power. Amy